Though we intermingled drives to the Tetons with drives to Yellowstone, our first destination was the Tetons. When you're in front of these fantastic mountains, it's hard to imagine photographing anything else. Here are two views from the famous Oxbow Bend, and the third is a famous barn with a very cloudy backdrop - I'll try to post another version of this when you can see the mountains behind. All three of these images incorporate multiple photographs - blended seamlessly together in Photoshop.

And this is a quiet little scene from Two Oceans Lake - there was a lot to explore on this little lake and I was glad we made the trip to see it. A moose wondered into the parking lot as we were leaving along with a local guy with a very long lens (600mm) trying to find the bear he had glimpsed. We didn't find the bear, but it was fun to talk to a true animal photographer.

I have never come across a fallen tree like this. Accepting of its fate, it just lies there, accompanied in passing by beautiful flora. A wonderfully understated image with poignant undertones. Very well done.