There were hundreds upon hundreds of Columbines out today. These things are like really big kites on a string and getting them to stay still long enough to photograph is challenging.

I've taken a lot of photographs of this section of Long Creek. But while photographing this scene, I started to lose my balance. Knowing that there was a small bluff to my left, I put my arm out to catch myself. What I forgot was that the wall had a lot of shale sticking out and it was quite sharp! I had to effect a few repairs to my arm before I could continue shooting.

I was surprised to find this Yellow Lady Slipper. I've never seen them before - anywhere! So it was a real treat to see them today.

Back to the falls - I've taken many pictures of these falls. Today, I was interested in the swirling patterns in the lower right. It was a long exposure (about 15 seconds).

A little further up the creek is the nicest green pool full of water with lots of little water falls running into it.

I stopped on top of one of the glades on the way back to take a picture of the sunset. I stayed until there wasn't much light left in the sky. I was still an hour or so away from the car, so I strapped on my head-lamp and headed off into the night. It was a very nice day to be in the wilderness!!!!!!

Hey cousin, you might luck into a few more Lady Slippers down at the old farm sometime. Uncle Ralph finds some every now and then down there. I have a couple of pictures he took about 2 years ago. Not the quality you have here, but I know we were all glad to see them. He'd love to see yours, I'm sure, as would the other two Goodson sibs. They're all three down there right now on their annual Memorial Day vacation "retreat." (WAY too spidery this time of year for me!) Anyway, really good shot!