I decided to get up pretty early to get into Broadwater Hollow before light started hitting the water, and I was in place and shooting by 6:00am - just as it was getting light enough to see without a flashlight. It was a lot of fun scrambling around the rocks, trying to get into a good position for a picture or two.
I started at the top of the falls and used a special Blue and Gold filter that can do some interesting things with water...

The next two are of the larger falls. Broadwater is a series of interesting little falls with one nice sized one, though small by comparison to other Arkansas Falls. Not too far beyond this point the creek disappears entirely into a sinkhole and standing on top of this sinkhole you can hear the creek running many feet below - I hear it runs into an underground lake at some point.

That stream looks like liquid gold. Very nice, wish I could have been there.