As I was heading across Kansas I saw this house full of horses and had to stop for pictures. Unfortunately, the horses started moving my way right as they saw me so I only got one good picture out of the deal.

One of the goals of the day (aside from traveling a good distance into Kansas) was to stop at Castle Rocks - a local rock formation out in the middle of nowhere in Western Kansas. When I arrived, it was really windy and I was the only person around for miles in any direction (which was kind of fun). I took pictures until the sun disappeared behind some clouds.

After Castle Rocks, I was heading down a dirt road toward I-70 and the sun dropped down below the clouds for a nice sunset.

We're enjoying your pictures! The horse picture was (of course)Abby's favorite. We noticed that there is a cupola on top of the house so I'm guessing it may have been a church and/or school. I printed it for Abby and we laughed about the horses going to school!