It was cold and windy, but having missed prior events, I was determined to make it to this one. It was a lot of fun, though frustrating at times to photograph.
Actually, this is the ridge opposite Hawksbill Crag - the light was just too harsh to get the crag. But the light fell nicely down the hillside lighting just the tops of the trees.
There was a fantastic sunset tonight! After missing a few during the last week or so, I had a chance to redeem myself tonight. I wish I had time to get somewhere with a reflection, but the silhouettes will have to do.
It's been quite some time since I've posted anything here. The last two months have been very hectic - getting married will do that to you! But I'm starting to feel like taking pictures again, so here are a few taken in our back yard.
Today the camera club made a very early drop by the battlefield. It was foggy, and I ended up soaked from walking through tall grass, but it was a lot of fun.
Not another trip, but rather an additional image from the trip back at the end of June. I've been trying out some new software (Lightroom 2.0, which I used to process this image) - and I'm finding it quite a lot of fun.
The camera club went to Ash Grove last night for a quick field trip. I've driven through Ash Grove several times, but never thought of it as a very photogenic town. But there are always interesting things around if you look closely enough. Here are a few pictures from the trip.
These first few are just details of various buildings made much more interesting in the setting sun.