We met down at the upper end of Boxley Valley in Arkansas at a small cabin we rented. I arrived right as the sun started going down so those of us that were there ran out and shot the few clouds that were on the horizon. These pictures represent just a very small portion of the sky - most of which was featureless.

Boen Gulf
On Saturday morning, we hiked in to Boen Gulf and visited Magnolia Falls - I shot several views of this falls, but liked the one with the trees in front. The other shot is from farther down the creek. It was a nice hike, but the hills grew quite large on the way out!

Broadwater Hollow
On Saturday evening (after waiting through a cloudless day), we headed over to Broadwater Hollow for a few shots of the waterfalls and even saw a few columbines.

Smith Creek Scenic Area
This newly opened natural area has some very nice geological features and we were there on Sunday morning before it was fully light. The mix of house-sized boulders, moss and flowing water was just fantastic.