December 28 - Wilson's Creek Battlefield

A vacation is a nice time to get out and see a little bit of nature - even if it's only to a not-so-wild place like Wilson's Creek National Battlefield. I'm always intrigued by colors in prairie grass and shrubs. I've accentuated these colors a little in order to emphasize the point.

After the sun came out, I headed home, but caught this tree with its roots growing over a small drainage area. I liked the way the dappled light illuminated parts of the moss.

December 17 - Springfield Lights

The goal was to go out and take pictures of Christmas lights with a few members of the camera club. But the evening soon turned out to be not as much about the lights as it was about night photography (due mainly to our inability to find really interesting Christmas lights).

This photo was from our first stop at small cul-de-sac of whose existence I was previously unaware. I was fascinated by the sky - it's always interesting at night- though the interesting clouds were rendered indistinct by the long exposure required to capture this subject.

December 2 - James River

It was a pretty cold morning a couple of Saturdays ago when I went down to the James River near my home. Temps had been in the single digits that morning, and frost and ice was everywhere, along with some snow left over from a couple of days earlier.

November 4 - Oklahoma City Memorial

Since we were going through Oklahoma City on the way home, we decided to stop along the way to visit the Oklahoma City Memorial. The memrial itself was beautifully conceived and constructed. A very nice place to visit if you're in the area.